
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said that the Panjang Port, Bandarlampung will be used as an alternative for homecoming transportation during the return flow of Lebaran 2022.

"Following up on the results of the evaluation of the homecoming flow two days ago, the conclusion is that there needs to be an alternative port route outside Bakauheni," said Coordinating Minister Muhadjir Effendy, at Panjang Port, Bandarlampung, Wednesday May 4.

He mentioned that the alternative choice of port route for this return flow was the Panjang Port, Bandarlampung.

The government will ensure that those who will return home from homecoming can be handled, served and truly more comfortable than when they left for homecoming.

Attending the monitoring of the return and forth flow for Eid 2022 in Lampung Province, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Head of Traffic Police Inspector General of Police Firman Santyabudi, Governor of Lampung Lampung Arinal Djunaidi and a number of civil officials and the Indonesian National Police.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said as many as eight large-sized ferries were prepared at the Panjang Port as crossings for the return flow of Lebaran 2022.

"Learning from going home at Merak Port, we were ordered to look for alternative crossings other than Bakauheni," said the Minister of Transportation.

The choice, he continued, was Long Harbor considering that this port is close to residents.

According to him, of course this Panjang Port will break the pressure on the number of vehicles at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung.

Therefore, his party has prepared eight large-sized ferries from Bandarlampung Panjang Port to Ciwandan Port, Merak.

"This alternative port means that it will reduce the density of the 70 km land route, Bandar Lampung, Bakauheni and Merak by about 5 km," he said.

Budi hopes that there will be no spike in backflow at Bakauheni with the crossing at Panjang Port.

"We also asked the Head of Traffic Police and the Head of the Lampung Police to direct the trucks or logistics vehicles that will cross to the Panjang Port not to Bakauheni," he added.

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