
TERNATE - The Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut) conducted a search for a resident of Kasiruta Island, South Halmahera Regency (Halsel) who was reported missing during the 2022 Eid homecoming trip to his hometown.

The head of the Ternate Basarnas, Muhammad Arafah stated, after receiving today's report his party immediately instructed members of the SAR Pos Bacan Island to search for the victim named Asri Iskandar Alam (30).

"The victim, a resident of Kasiruta Island, Halsel Regency, was reported missing when he left using a longboat, will travel back and forth to his village in Jeret Village by using a canoe," he explained in Ternate, Antara, Tuesday, May 3.

Chronologically, on Sunday, May 1 at around 22.00 WITA, the victim, who was a resident of Kasiruta Dalam village, was going home by route through the river.

However, until now the victim has not arrived at his destination in Jeret Village, Halsel. Residents have found the victim's longboat in the waters around Jeret Village.

On Wednesday 2022 at 12:15 WIT, the Bacan SAR alert unit received the report from directly coordinating and moving to carry out search operations.

By using the Rescue Boat 309, the Bacan SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team moved to the location where the victim was suspected to be missing, 17.9 Nm from Kupal Bacan Harbor and took 1 hour.

Meanwhile, the family, Saturday Muale confirmed to Antara, that since then the victim has been going home for Eid in Jeret Village, East Kasiruta District, so the victim from Kasiruta Dalam Village departed using a katinting boat.

However, as of Monday, May 2, the victim had not yet arrived at Jerek Village, so the family and local residents were looking for the victim.

"We are looking for victims, because from Sunday evening to Monday morning the victims have not arrived, so we searched and we found the victim's boat drifting around the waters of Jeret Village, but the victim was not there, only the boat was in a damaged condition at the front," he said.

He said that until now the family and local residents are still looking for victims around the waters of Jerek Village and the Kali Kali area of Kasiruta Dalam Village.

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