
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, hopes that during this National Education Day (Hardiknas) Indonesian education can advance.

"The key to advancing education lies not only with the government, teachers or students, but all elements of the nation," said Puan in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, May 2.

This, said Puan, is in accordance with the spirit echoed by the Father of Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara.

"Ki Hajar Dewantara once said that anyone can become a teacher, and every home can become a school. That means education can be done anywhere, anytime, and by anyone," he said.

He gave an example that parents at home can play a role in teaching their children. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where schools can be held online, the role of parents is very important for the development of every child.

"It must be remembered that a child's first teacher is his or her parents," said Puan as she wished Happy National Education Day to all educators and students throughout Indonesia.

Nevertheless, Puan emphasized that the government's role is still very important to encourage quality and equitable education throughout Indonesia.

He appreciated a number of government programs that could play an important role in equitable access to education. One of them is the Smart Indonesia Card Program (KIP) which provides opportunities for underprivileged students to complete their education up to university level.

"I hope that through KIP all young people have equal opportunities in the world of education. KIP is a form of the state's presence in the development of Indonesian human resources. I don't want Indonesian children who cannot take higher education because of financial problems," he said.

The chairman of the DPP PDIP emphasized that education is very important for Indonesia to move towards a developed country. Moreover, Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus where the majority of the population is of productive age.

Access to education is important to be able to produce a quality workforce, he said.

"We have around 270 million people, the 4th largest in the world. The majority of the younger generation is often called the demographic bonus. This is an extraordinary opportunity for Indonesia because the progress of the nation depends on its human progress," he said.

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