
JAKARTA - The Moluccan Protestant Church (AMGPM) of Ternate City, North Maluku together with local Catholic Junior High School students distributed free newspapers to worshipers as a place to pray for Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah at the Gelora Kieraha Field in Ternate.

"This is the second activity and becomes a routine agenda for every Eid al-Fitr celebration, in addition to the presence of AMGPM to build friendship and foster a sense of brotherhood among religious believers in Ternate City," said AMGPM Chairman Kigen Lokulalan in Ternate, Monday 2 May quoted from Antara.

The AMGPM of Ternate City together with local Catholic Junior High School students, a total of about 20 people, were assigned to distribute used newspapers at the four entrances to the Eid prayer areas and to maintain conditions around the Gelora Kieraha Field while local Muslims were praying.

He said used newspapers were collected over the past two weeks. They obtained the old newspapers from their friends to use as a base for the congregation to pray at Gelora Kieraha Ternate.

He also positively welcomed the opportunity given by the local Islamic Holiday Committee (PHBI) to AMGPM Ternate to jointly distribute newspapers to congregational Eid prayers at Gelora Kieraha.

"What is being done can foster a sense of brotherhood and tolerance among religious people in daily life," he said.

What AMGPM did was the same as what was done in the previous year. They together with security officers maintain security and help distribute masks to worshipers for Eid prayers at that place.

Secretary of the Ternate PHBI Muhammad Iksan gave his appreciation to all AMGPM management and Ternate Catholic Junior High School students who together with Muslims built the spirit of brotherhood among religious believers.

"We are proud to have Christian brothers and sisters who took the initiative to attend the Eid prayer at the Kieraha Stadium by providing free newspapers and cleaning the Gelora Kieraha Field after the Eid prayer.

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