
JAKARTA - PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) as a subsidiary of PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT) reported that up to d-2 Lebaran, approximately 1.5 million vehicles had been passed, both on the Trans Java and Trans Sumatra toll roads.

WTR President Director Septiawan Andri Purwanto said that since D-10 Lebaran, the number of vehicles passing on the Kanci - Pejagan toll road was 564,886, 405,017 on the Pejagan - Pemalang toll road, and 389,222 on the Pemalang - Batang toll road.

"For the Kapal Betung toll road, since the 10th to the 2nd day of Lebaran, it has reached 119,299 vehicles," he said in a written statement, Sunday, May 1.

According to him, when compared to the total number of homecoming vehicles in 2019, the increase in the number of vehicles reached up to 20 percent. For this reason, his party has carried out a number of initiatives to anticipate traffic congestion, such as collaborating with related parties such as the police in enforcing contra flow rules.

"Alhamdulillah, the homecoming trip went smoothly. We continue to coordinate with the police and other Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) in carrying out traffic engineering, such as supporting the implementation of contra flow and regulating the number of vehicles in the rest area as well as providing additional toilet facilities to prevent there was a long queue.

Based on observations, none of the rest areas on the toll roads caused congestion on the toll roads.

To facilitate access to information about toll roads during homecoming, Septiawan added, WTR has prepared the WTR Go application which can be downloaded by road users and is available on the Android Playstore.

"The WTR Go application provides information on the location of Rest Areas, information on toll services, CCTV monitoring of toll roads and Rest Areas, as well as other information about toll roads," he said.

Meanwhile, BUJT also cooperates with the local Rest and Service Area (TIP) or Rest Area managers to ensure the capacity of the rest area, that the available services and facilities are adequate.

"To anticipate the crowds of visitors during the homecoming flow, additional cleaning and security officers have been carried out, as well as tightening security and queue management," he added.

For your information, in several Rest Areas, additional toilets and gas stations have been provided during Eid 2022. Currently, the available Rest Areas on the WTR toll road are Rest Area KM 228 A and 229 B Kanci – Pejagan, Rest Area KM 252 A, 275 A, 287 A, 294 B, 282 B, and 260 B on the Pejagan – Pemalang toll road, Rest Area KM 338 A and 319 B on the Pemalang – Batang toll road, and Rest Area KM 360 B on the Kayu Agung – Palembang – Betung toll road.

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