
YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Special Region of Yogyakarta appealed to the material for the Eid prayer sermons not to be used for practical political purposes.

"Regarding the content of the sermon, it is not to be used for practical political purposes and to avoid things that cause disharmony in society," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of DIY Masmin Afif in Yogyakarta, Antara, Sunday, May 1.

According to him, the appeal was to follow up on the Circular (SE) of the Minister of Religion Number 08/2022 and the results of the leadership meeting held on April 26, 2022.

According to him, the potential use of the Eid sermon pulpit for political purposes needs to be anticipated together ahead of the 2024 election momentum. "Let's act together so that this Eid atmosphere is not colored by temporary and personal interests," said Masmin.

Masmin hopes that the lecturers can choose other sermon materials that can actually strengthen solidarity because there are still many people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who are suffering economically.

Through the sermon, he hopes that the community can be moved to help others in need.

"And invites gratitude for Eid by continuing to generate gratitude by reading takbir, tahmid, and tahlil in places of worship," he said.

In addition, Masmin asked that at every location for the Eid prayer, it must be ensured that there was a person in charge or a committee capable of overseeing the activities.

"Also apply strict health protocol discipline," he said.

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