
JAKARTA - The commemoration of International Labor Day (May Day), on May 1, by a number of trade unions in front of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) office, Jakarta, is proof that the labor group has political awareness. This was conveyed by the President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal.

According to Said Iqbal, this action in front of the KPU RI is important, because it is the institution that ensures that the general election can take place on time, honestly and fairly.

“For the presidential election and the legislative (members) election, it is important for workers, because workers are already aware of politics. There are many political products that have been decided by the President and the DPR that are detrimental to workers," said Said Iqbal as broadcast on the official YouTube channel of the Labor Party in Jakarta, Friday, April 29.

In this action, the labor union asked the KPU to ensure that the general election was conducted in a clean, honest and fair manner.

“A dishonest and fair election has implications for the victory of the oligarchic party which is controlled by the owners of capital. (Therefore, the resulting policies will tend to benefit business interests. The product of the law will favor the owners of capital," said Said Iqbal, who currently serves as President of the Labor Party, as quoted by Antara.

The labor unions will also provide direct support to the KPU to continue to reject money politics.

“Labourers ask for no money politics. If there is money politics, the KPU must dare to give strict sanctions, if necessary, parties that use money politics will be disqualified," he said.

He explained that money politics is a fraudulent way of doing politics. If this method is allowed, the election results will be detrimental to society.

Not only in front of the KPU RI office, the labor union also plans to hold an action at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout, Jakarta, on May 1, 2022. This action is still being carried out even though many people, including workers, have chosen to go home for Eid.

They will also demand that the government lower the prices of goods and make policies that improve the welfare of the working group.

Labor groups also voiced their rejection of the Job Creation Law and the revision of the Law on the Establishment of Legislation (PPP).

"Labourers will campaign (to the public) not to vote for parties that approve (revise) the PPP Law and approve the re-discussion of the Job Creation Law," he said at a press conference.

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