
JAKARTA - Academic from the Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto (UMP) Dr. Asep Daud Kosasih stated that the payment of zakat fitrah has an important meaning as a form of gratitude for the gift that is obtained because it is still able to carry out the fasting worship of Ramadan.

"Zakat fitrah has an important meaning in the religion of a Muslim, one of which is as a form of gratitude," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 30.

The chairman of the Institute for the Study and Practice of Islam (LPPI) at the University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) added that the payment of zakat fitrah is also a complement to the fasting worship of Ramadan.

"Besides that, it is also to rid oneself of miserliness, selfishness and individualism, so as to further perfect the sanctity of a Muslim at the end of Ramadan which is manifested by the celebration of Eid al-Fitr," he said.

The lecturer in the History of Islamic Thought at UMP added that the meaning of zakat fitrah for a Muslim is proof of social piety that has been instilled for a whole month in the month of Ramadan.

He added that zakat fitrah is a self-zakat that is obligatory on every individual Muslim, both male and female who are capable according to the stipulated conditions.

"The implementation time is at the end of the month of Ramadan until the Eid prayer," he said.

According to him, the payment of zakat fitrah can further increase social piety based on the birth of awareness to have concern for those who can't afford it.

"Thus, when Eid arrives, all Muslims feel and celebrate happiness without exception, whether rich or poor," he said.

Meanwhile, academics from UIN Prof. KH Saifuddin Zuhri (UIN SAIZU) Purwokerto Disciple said zakat fitrah has a very important role as an effort to purify oneself and share with others.

"In Islam, zakat fitrah is not only an effort to purify oneself but also as an effort to share and eradicate social jealousy," he said.

The Head of the Laboratory of the Da'wah Faculty of UIN SAIZU explained that zakat fitrah is part of the mahdhah worship which has individual dimensions.

"In addition, as part of mahdhah worship, zakat fitrah is a form of obedience and submission to what has been ordered by Allah SWT. Zakat fitrah is also a muamalah worship that has economic and social dimensions," he said.

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