
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, confirmed that Nur Alamsyah, the victim, was not the perpetrator of the beating of Rico Valentino. Because at the time of the beating incident, Nur had left the scene.

"No, MNA was already home," said Budhi when confirmed, Saturday, April 30.

On the occasion, Budhi said that the incident of beating Rico was because the perpetrator first hit the visitor at the cafe. At that time, it was suspected that Rico Valentino was still under the influence of liquor (alcohol).

"Well, that caught the attention of people outside. Well, the person outside because he said that was a reflex to look at him. So he felt that people didn't like it, 'Why are you looking at it?' So the RV hit it right away," he said.

"So RV's brother hit him, then the person who was hit reflexively replied, and his friends finally helped the person who was hit by the RV to beat RV," he added.

Rico has reported to the police regarding the beating he experienced while outside the cafe. Until now, the police are still investigating the case.

"These two cases are different cases, you don't have to wait for each other either. It just happens that one RV is the perpetrator, one RV is the victim. So it turns out that he also hit first, who started first in the second case," said Budhi.

Previously, Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino beat M Nur Alamsyah at the cafe code, Senopati, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2.

Now Putra Siregar and Rico are suspects in the case of beating Muhammad Nur Alamsyah. Both were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 5 years in prison.

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