
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Highways provides CCTV on many toll roads in Indonesia. All homecomers can monitor it to sort out roads when the flow departs until the return flow for Lebaran 2022.

CCTV is based online, travelers can easily access it. Homecoming route conditions, congestion points, to ensure that there are no incidents on the road to be traversed can be done by travelers simply by checking through their cellphones or cellphones.

The method is also easy, travelers who want to monitor the condition of the homecoming route via CCTV can access the Bina Marga website. In addition, two other pages can also be another choice for travelers.

The following is a CCTV link to monitor the return flow of Lebaran 2022 homecoming to Jabodetabek:

Highways Link

To prevent entering the traffic jam during the 2022 Eid homecoming, please access the official website of Bina Marga at the address

Then select the desired toll road to check whether it is jammed or not. The final step is to click on the image with the traffic situation.

Ministry of Transportation RTTMC link

The online CCTV link is undeniably useful for monitoring the back and forth flow of toll roads. Especially when homecomers access the toll road at the same time as the peak of the backflow predicted by the government.

Homecomers can monitor the current condition of the homecoming flow through 40 online CCTVs provided by the Road Transport and Traffic Management Center (RTTMC) of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Here's the link:

Where's the link

The current condition of the homecoming flow can also be seen through the page. There are at least 78 CCTV links available in real time from various regions, including Jabodetabek.

It is easy to use by clicking on an image on the site and immediately the current traffic conditions in an area appear.

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