
JAKARTA - Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio said his country supports the leadership or the G20 Presidency by Indonesia this year.

"This year, Indonesia holds the G20 presidency and has the theme "recover together, recover stronger. Priority issues have been set, such as digital transformation, energy transition, and health. Japan supports this and will work together as best as possible so that the G20 will be successful," said PM Kishida, quoting Antara. , Friday, April 29.

This was conveyed by PM Kishida in a press statement with Indonesian President Joko Widodo after their second meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday, April 29.

PM Kishida also said that 2023 will coincide with 65 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan, and 50 years of friendship and cooperation between Japan and ASEAN.

Japan is waiting for President Joko Widodo to be present in person in Japan in the context of a special meeting at the head of state level to develop relations between the two countries as well as Japan and ASEAN relations further.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo in his meeting with PM Kishida said that the Indonesian Presidency at the G20 was used as a catalyst for handling humanity, including the impact of the wars between Russia and Ukraine on humanity, as well as the recovery of the world economy.

In his separate press statement regarding the implementation of the G20, President Jokowi has also emphasized that he wants to make Indonesia's G20 Presidency a momentum to encourage unity, because peace and stability are the keys to world economic recovery and development.

President Jokowi directly by telephone has also invited Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, as two leaders of countries currently in conflict, to attend the G20 event in Indonesia.

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