
CIREBON - Cirebon City Police Traffic Unit, West Java, is still diverting vehicles from Central Java heading to Jakarta, to the Indramayu alternative route.

"We are diverting vehicles from Central Java to Gunungjati and towards Indramayu," said Cirebon Police Head of Traffic Unit AKP Triyono Raharja in Cirebon, citing Antara, Friday, April 29.

According to him, currently the Cirebon Pantura route is still crowded with vehicles from Central Java heading to Jakarta, due to the one-way implementation on the toll road.

So, continued Triyono, vehicles crowded the Pantura route. For this reason, when there is congestion, the officers on duty divert the flow of vehicles to alternative routes.

He said the Pantura road was indeed quite heavy, considering that from Jakarta to Central Java it was dominated by two-wheeled vehicles.

"Meanwhile, the direction of Central Java to Jakarta is dominated by four wheels. So we switch to an alternative route," he said.

Triyono added that the alternative route from Gunungjati to Indramayu, there is indeed a traditional market which can cause congestion.

For this reason, his party has tried to place personnel so that they can help break down the density, so that the vehicle does not get stuck.

"We have anticipated conditions like today, for that we set up PAM posts around the location to become congestion points," he said.

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