
NGAWI - Inspector of General Supervision (Irwasum) of the National Police, Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, monitored the situation of the homecoming route on the Trans Java toll road, the Ngawi-Solo toll road. The review is an effort to realize the safe and smooth implementation of the Ketupat Lebaran Operation in 2022.

Irwasum reviewed the readiness of the 2022 homecoming route in Ngawi Regency, East Java, to be precise in the resting area of the Ngawi-Solo toll road kilometer 575 entering Ngale Village, Paron District, Ngawi Regency.

In this monitoring and review, Irwasum asked the general public and members of the National Police to remain disciplined in implementing the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) even though they have been vaccinated. This is so that COVID-19 cases do not spike after the homecoming period and after Lebaran 2022.

"This year the government has allowed Lebaran homecoming. The most important thing in this case is to keep the procedures and obey all traffic signs when driving, both on toll roads and on regular roads," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 28.

According to him, based on monitoring results, so far the homecoming route from Surabaya to Jakarta and vice versa is relatively smooth. Monitoring is carried out at airport points, the Mengkreng Kediri intersection for arterial routes, and the Ngawi Solo toll road section.

The police predicts an increase in the volume of vehicles will begin to occur on Friday (29/4) as we enter the 2022 Eid holiday.

Komjen Budi also asked travelers returning home to anticipate traffic jams, especially on arterial routes and to take advantage of rest areas on toll roads.

This congestion condition has the potential to occur considering that public interest in traveling back and forth in 2022 is quite high after two years previously it was forbidden to go home during Eid due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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