BANDA ACEH - The Banda Aceh High Court (PT) panel of judges sentenced the defendant to death for possession of methamphetamine, weighing up to 105.5 kilograms.
Reported by Antara, the verdict was read out by the panel of judges in the appeal hearing at PT Banda Aceh, in Banda Aceh, Thursday, April 28, with the defendant on behalf of Syamsudir.
The panel of appellate judges was chaired by Ahmad Salihin, accompanied by High Judge Indra Cahya and High Judge Yus Enidar, each as members.
The decision of the Panel of Judges of PT Banda Aceh changed the decision of the Idi Court, East Aceh Regency which sentenced the defendant Syamsudir to a life sentence to a death sentence.
The death sentence was in accordance with the indictment and demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the East Aceh District Attorney. The defendant was charged with violating Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.
In their consideration, the panel of high judges stated that narcotics crimes in Indonesia had already reached a dangerous impact and constituted an extraordinary crime.
According to the panel of judges, this extraordinary crime was carried out by a professional, militant, organized and systematic syndicate or mafia whose impact was detrimental to the health and character of the nation.
The facts revealed at trial, said the panel of judges, that the defendant Syamsudir had an active role in the syndicate or mafia circulating class one narcotics in the form of 105.5 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.
The sentence handed down is in accordance with the defendant's guilt and has approached the sense of justice in society and is expected to be useful, said the panel of high judges.
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