
BATANG - A number of homecomers who drive using motorbikes appear to have started stopping with some luggage in the Alas Roban area, Batang, Central Java.

Quoted by Antara in Batang on Thursday until 15:36 WIB, the area which is one of the roads favored by travelers, seems to be starting to get busy.

The crowd was dominated by travelers on motorbikes with vehicle plates B (Jakarta), G (Tegal, Pekalongan, Pemalang) and H (Semarang) who stopped to rest to enjoy the cold coconut ice, before continuing their journey towards Central Java.

Furthermore, for the path itself, it is still smooth. However, many vehicles pass at high speed. There are still few private cars that pass, while heavy vehicles such as trucks are often seen passing through the road. However, for trucks with heavy or more luggage, they use other alternative roads in accordance with the applicable regulations in the area.

One of the online motorcycle taxis, Pujiyono, said that he chose to stop at Alas Roban because the roads were smooth, shady and could drive comfortably.

"I'm from Jakarta, after work I go straight home. After a fast-paced on the Coastal Path, want to stop here to drink coconut, the weather is also cool so I'm happy," said Pujiyono.

Unlike Pujiyono, a homecomer from Jakarta, Ari, who departed at 02.00 WIB, admitted that he stopped because Alas Roban could be an alternative route for travelers.

Even though it has a spooky history, said Ari, it is better to take this route because the shade of the road allows travelers to take a break from their short journey with a feeling of calm and comfort.

"It's time for a break to stop by here, from Jakarta, we haven't had a break yet. So you want to drink coconut ice here," said the man who was driving to Sragen City, Central Java. Meanwhile, a seller of coconut ice and snacks, Turatih, admitted that he was happy with the increasing number of homecomers who came to his area. Turtatih said his income was expected to return. as before, after previously being only able to get Rp. 20,000 to Rp. 30,000 per day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. if you open and close the shop first, go home and take a shower, pray, then come here to sell again, "said Turtatih.

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