
JAKARTA - Residents of Temanggung, Central Java, are ready to welcome homecomers to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah in their hometown.

"Until now, the Temanggung Regency Government along with the Polres and Kodim as well as all the potential of the Temanggung Regency community are 100 percent ready to serve Lebaran travelers who come from various cities in Indonesia," said Temanggung Regent M. Al Khadziq in Temanggung, Thursday, April 28. Between.

This was conveyed when monitoring the Eid 2022 security post at the Madureso Temanggung Terminal. Monitoring of the Lebaran security post with Forkompimda was also carried out at Pringsurat Post, Kranggan, Pancasila Park, and Parakan Post.

Khadziq said the Temanggung people are ready to welcome homecomers, both those who will return to their hometowns to Temanggung or those who will pass through the Temanggung Regency area.

"We have prepared security posts and standby posts at various strategic points and at various borders in Temanggung Regency to provide services to the community.

He said these posts provide services related to COVID-19, services related to travel itself, infrastructure, health, and traffic security.

"We express our gratitude to the Police Chief and Dandim and all the people who have assisted in the implementation of securing this Lebaran flow. So far in Temanggung Regency, everything is relatively smooth, conducive both in terms of traffic and COVID-19 conditions," he said.

In addition, in terms of market and trade operations, basic necessities are also in a conducive condition. It is hoped that this conducive condition will continue until the end of the Lebaran period and beyond.

"We urge travelers who will pass through Temanggung to stop by at the shops, kiosks, and street vendors in Temanggung. Shop for goods from the Temanggung people's products to improve the economy of the Temanggung people," he said.

"While passing through Temanggung, I hope you take care of the conditions, take care of the vehicle, good luck. Visit the tourist objects in Temanggung, mountain attractions, the scenery is beautiful and the people are all friendly," he concluded.

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