
KALTENG - The Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes through the Director of Crimes Against Persons and Property (Oharda) Agnes Triyanti approved the request for termination of prosecution based on restorative justice for crimes from the Katingan District Attorney in Central Kalimantan Province.

"As for the criminal cases that have been approved for termination of prosecution, the theft and beating with suspects ME and SU," said Head of the Central Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office, Iman Wijaya, through the Head of the Central Kalimantan Attorney General's Office, Dodik Mahendra, in Palangka Raya, Antara, Thursday, April 28.

Dodik explained that the suspect ME allegedly beat the victim witness with the initials AR once with a clenched right hand. The blow hit the victim's nose, causing it to bleed.

The beating that occurred on Tuesday, March 22 at the Logpond area of PT. The MSLU for the Tumbang Samba Cross Road, Manduing Taheta Village, Pulau Malan District, started with the suspect ME who complained that the amount of fuel sent by AR was sometimes reduced.

AR did not accept, causing a verbal argument that ended in a beating. For this incident, the victim witness AR reported the incident to the Tewang Senggalang Garing and Pulan Malan Police for further processing.

"According to the Visum Et Repertum letter issued by the Bali Buntut Health Center Number: 440/13/UPTD/.KES-PM/III/2022, March 22, 2022, a bruise on the bridge of the nose was found, allegedly caused by a blunt object," explained Dodik.

Meanwhile, the second case is a criminal act of stealing money amounting to Rp. 3.1 million, which was carried out by suspect SU on Sunday, March 6 at around 09.00 WIB at the house of witness victim A on Jalan Tjilik Riwut KM. 26, RT.003, RW.000 Hampalit Village, Katingan Hilir District Katingan.

The official with the second rank of jasmine explained that the termination of the prosecution was given with several considerations. The reasons include that the suspect has committed a crime for the first time and is threatened with a fine or imprisonment of not more than five years.

Termination of prosecution based on Attorney General Regulation No. 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice and Circular Letter of the Attorney General No: 01/E/EJP/02/2022 concerning Implementation of Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice.

"This is one of the Prosecutor's efforts to get closer to the community in accordance with the direction of the Attorney General," said Dodik.

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