
JAKARTA - The Madago Raya Task Force shot dead Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru, a fugitive and a member of the East Indonesia Mujahideen terror group (MIT). This decisive action had to be taken because Askar resisted during the arrest process.

"It is true that the Madago Raya Task Force has secured one of the MIT DPOs," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Wednesday, April 27.

The most measured action began when Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru was about to be arrested in Sa Lubanga Hamlet, Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng).

At that time, members of the Madago Raya Task Force had asked Askar to surrender. However, he did not listen to the appeal and instead resisted.

The form of resistance that was given and considered dangerous to members was throwing objects suspected of being bombs.

"The terrorist DPO took action to throw a striped body vest at the bulkhead post member suspected of being a bomb. Finally, the police took strict action against the terrorist DPO so that the terrorist DPO died," said Dedi.

The Madago Raya Task Force continues to pursue the three remaining members of the East Indonesia Mujahideen group.

All three are included in the People's Wanted List (DPO). They include Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru, Nae alias Galuh alias Mukhlas, and Suhardin alias Hasan Pranata.

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