
MADIUN - One resident's house in Nglandung Village, Geger District, Madiun Regency, East Java, was damaged by an explosion of about 1 kilogram of firecracker powder stored by its residents. The victim suffered injuries to his hands and feet.

Geger Police Chief AKP Yunus Kurniawan said the damaged house belonged to Purwanto (48). Meanwhile, the keeper of the firecracker powder is Amzad Tri Ardhiansyah (21) who is Purwanto's son.

"Based on the information from the victim who was also the keeper of the firecracker powder, the item was stored in his cupboard. When he was about to look at it after dawn, it suddenly exploded after opening the storage box," said AKP Yunus, quoted by Antara, Wednesday. April 27.

As a result of the explosion, the victim suffered serious burns to the legs and arms. Currently, the victim is still undergoing treatment at the Soedono Madiun Hospital.

In addition to injuring the victim, the explosion of the firecracker powder also damaged his parents' house. Especially in the room where the powder is stored.

Until now, the Madiun Police Inafis team is still conducting further investigations regarding the cause of the explosion of 1 kilogram of firecracker powder. Based on the perpetrator's confession, when he opened the safe, he did not start a fire at all. The firecracker powder suddenly exploded. Luckily, the other occupants of the house were not injured.

Apart from still investigating the cause of the explosion, the police also do not know the reason the victim kept the 1 kilogram firecracker powder in his room. The victim as well as the perpetrator cannot be properly questioned because they are still undergoing medical treatment.

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