
JAKARTA - Jakarta has been chosen to host the 19th Asia Pacific Smart Transportation Forum (Intelligent Transport System/ITS) or The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum in 2024.

The President of ITS Indonesia, William P Sabandar, appreciated various parties for their support in the ITS Indonesia "bidding" process to host The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum in 2024.

"Especially to the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi and the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan," William said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

William said ITS Indonesia is a great trust and responsibility, especially in terms of leading ITS Asia Pacific for the next two years.

Through this opportunity, ITS Indonesia must be able to show the best leadership in the Asia Pacific region in the field of smart transportation and environmental sustainability.

"Therefore, we ask for the support of all stakeholders, including the government, academia, industry players and civil society to jointly make this event a success," he said.

Furthermore, William will coordinate with relevant ministries and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to prepare a series of activities towards the implementation of the event in 2024.

William explained that Jakarta was prepared as a "host city" to organize this event by considering various factors.

Jakarta is also the largest metropolitan city in Indonesia with a population of more than 10 million people, which currently still holds the status of the State Capital.

William added that Jakarta is trying to develop a modern transportation system through the construction and operation of the Jakarta MRT, Jakarta LRT, and TransJakarta electric buses, which run side by side with Grab Indonesia's online transportation and logistics service.

Jakarta has also implemented digitalized city services through the Jakarta Smart City system and the JakLingko integrated transportation payment system. In addition, Jakarta is also rich in Indonesian history and has many tourist destinations.

Sample case

Jakarta represents the development of an urban transportation system that can become one of the "best cases" in the Asia Pacific region.

Meanwhile, through a video speech, the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi expressed his support for ITS Indonesia.

“The Ministry of Transportation has a role in implementing the 'smart city' concept combined with a smart transportation system for the new capital city in Indonesia. We fully support ITS Indonesia to host The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2024," said Budi.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his support for Jakarta as the host of The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2024.

"Jakarta has implemented several programs that aim to turn the city into a livable and sustainable city," said Anies.

Anies supports the use of a smart transportation system in Jakarta, so that Jakarta is ready to host The 19th ITS Asia Pacific ITS Indonesia presenting the theme "Smart Transportation and Sustainable City".

The implementation of this event will offer a comprehensive experience, including through a series of events before the agenda (pre-event), opening ceremony, "plenary session", "executive session", "special interest session", "exhibition", "Jakarta City Tour" and "gala dinner".

ITS Indonesia also opens the opportunity for participants of The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2024 to take a tour to Bali and the new capital city of Indonesia, Nusantara.

ITS Indonesia also invites active members of ITS Indonesia to participate in this activity, including PT MRT Jakarta, PT Aino Indonesia, PT Hisense International Indonesia, PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia (Grab Indonesia), PT Jak Lingko Indonesia, PT Transport Jakarta.

Then, PT Trinusa Travelindo (Traveloka), PT Moda Integrasi Transportasi Jabodetabek, PT Fintek Karya Nusantara (LinkAja), PT Jingdong Indonesia Pertama (JD.ID), PT Nutech Integration, PT Intiland Development Tbk., PT Jatelindo Perkasa Abadi (Jatelindo) , PT Manunggaling Rizky Karyatama Telnics (Marktel), PT Thano Technologies, PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP), PT Teknologi Rancang Olah Nusantara (TRON), and PT Teknologi Karya Digital Nusantara (TKDN).

This election was carried out through a "bidding" and "voting" process which was held online involving 11 countries that are members of the ITS Asia-Pacific organization.

ITS Indonesia received support from nine countries, beating ITS New Zealand who proposed Christchurch as a "host city" to get two votes.

Every two years

ITS Asia Pacific Forum is a regional event in the field of intelligent transportation systems which is held every two years.

ITS Indonesia as the host of The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2024 also marks the change in the leadership of ITS Asia Pacific which was previously held by China as the organizer of The 18th ITS Asia Pacific Forum in Chengdu, China in 2022.

Now, William is carrying out this mandate and also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of ITS Asia Pacific for the 2022-2024 term of service.

ITS Indonesia is a non-profit organization established to build a smart and integrated transportation system in Indonesia.

Established since 2013, ITS Indonesia is here to be an alternative solution to congestion, providing convenience in transportation, and being environmentally friendly.

The ITS Indonesia organization has members who are a combination of government institutions, academics, communities, and industry players and the largest members are mostly transportation operators in Indonesia.

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