
YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the Special Region of Yogyakarta proposed that 990 prisoners from prisons and detention centers in this area receive special remissions for Eid 2022.

"The number of our prisoners is 1,349 people. The number of Muslim prisoners is 1,251 people, and the number of prisoners who are proposed to get special remissions for Eid 1443 H are 990 people," said the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of DIY Imam Jauhari in the Hall of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of DIY, as reported by Antara. , Wednesday, April 27.

According to Imam, of all recipients of the remission, 980 WBP were proposed to receive special remission (RK) I or a reduction in part of the sentence and 10 people to receive RK II or immediately released.

The WBP who received RK II, he said, were 4 WBP from Yogyakarta Class IIA Prison, 2 WBP from Yogyakarta Class IIA Narcotics Prison, 3 WBP from Class IIB Sleman Prison, and one WBP Class IIB Bantul Detention Center.

Regarding the visit during Eid 2022, Imam said that the Penitentiary Office of the DIY Ministry of Law and Human Rights would facilitate virtual visits because it was still during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Family visits are still not allowed from the center. We facilitate virtual, we data that will make video call visits, and without reducing respect we will arrange later, we schedule so that inmates can still communicate with their families," he said.

Imam added that the virtual facilities provided by each prison can be accessed free of charge.

In the momentum of the 58th Correctional Service Day, Imam asked the Penitentiary of the DIY Ministry of Law and Human Rights to continue to improve public services.

The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of DIY in collaboration with various agencies conducts guidance for WBP.

Inmates who are entangled in general crimes, he said, receive independence coaching in prisons and remand centers. This work guidance is carried out to equip inmates so that they can have expertise when they finish serving their sentence.

"In order to carry out self-reliance development, the inmates receive premiums, earn income so that later when they are out, they will bring results that will be made into a business in the midst of the community. This is clear evidence that we are improving services to the community," he said.

Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjenpas), according to him, has prepared a budget allocation to carry out the rehabilitation of inmates who are currently entangled in drug cases.

"Thanks to the collaboration and collaboration with BNN, the Regional Office has been able to carry out the ongoing rehabilitation of 120 inmates, which may end in June 2022," said Imam.

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