
JABAR - The Provincial Government of West Java (Jabar) anticipates the density of homecoming traffic specifically in the Bogor, Cianjur and Bandung areas, in line with the implementation of the one-way system on a number of toll roads.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said West Java is a destination for travelers. He said the accumulation of vehicles would increase sharply due to the current going back and forth from the one-way plan for the Cikampek Toll Road.

"This needs to be anticipated, so that cross-regional coordination is carried out, because West Java is a destination for travelers and will be affected by the one-way implementation on toll roads, where the volume of homecoming vehicles for other destinations will increase on the main West Java homecoming route," he said during a coordination visit in Cianjur, Wednesday. April 27.

His party predicts that as of May 27, the volume of vehicles from Jabodetabek with the aim of going home to West Java will increase sharply across the Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung and so on, so various efforts need to be made to anticipate the occurrence of total traffic jams.

The joint officers are expected to be able to anticipate by carrying out a number of flow engineering so that there will be no total traffic jams, especially in the Puncak area, Bogor, West Java, which will be crowded with tourists before or after Lebaran.

"Cianjur is the place where travelers return from overseas, it is predicted that more than 1 million people will return to Cianjur, so officers must be able to anticipate total traffic jams by directing travelers to a number of alternative routes," he said.

The regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that his party together with Forkopimda Cianjur, had established 12 PAM posts, nine service and supervision posts as well as PMI and BPBD assistance posts as an effort to provide security and comfort for homecomers crossing the Cianjur homecoming route.

"We are preparing a number of flow engineering when there is a queue of impacts from one direction on the toll road or a contra flow occurs. We predict that 1.2 million homecomers will return to a number of sub-districts in Cianjur, starting today, so we take various efforts to anticipate traffic jams," he said.

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