
BADUNG - The District Attorney (Kejari) of Badung, Bali, has stopped the case of the theft of cellphones with the suspect Abi Achmad alias Abi. The perpetrators stole cellphones for their children's school needs.

The head of the Badung District Attorney's Office, Imran Yusuf, said the case was terminated with restorative justice.

"The person concerned stole a cellphone to fulfill his son's wish to have a cellphone that he would use for school purposes," said Yusuf, Wednesday, April 27.

Before restorative justice was approved by the Jampidum of the Attorney General's Office, the Badung Kejari did mediation between the victim and the perpetrator.

After agreeing to make peace, this case was presented to Jampidum virtually. The theft case has been discontinued.

The families of the suspect and the victim were then presented to the Badung District Attorney's Office. The Prosecutor's Office also provided cellphones for the school's needs for the perpetrator's children.

"That the suspect has apologized and regretted his actions, and the victim has fully forgiven the suspect's actions. This is what we must put forward, so that small cases like this can be resolved in a family way, this is the main goal to restore the situation between the victim and the perpetrator , said Yusuf.

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