
JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance signed a cooperation agreement (PKS) to strengthen coordinated efforts to prevent transnational crimes, including illicit trafficking and drug smuggling.

The cooperation agreement was signed by the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Pol. Agus Andrianto and the Director General of Customs and Excise Askolani were witnessed by the ranks of the two state institutions at the Bareskrim Building, Police Headquarters, Wednesday 27 April.

"This PKS is essentially the commitment of the police and Customs of the Ministry of Finance to further strengthen cooperation in order to guard against various disturbances of transnational crimes and economic crimes in order to increase state revenue and reduce potential state losses that can be caused by these crimes," Agus said as quoted by Antara.

The PKS between the National Police and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise is the first time, as a follow-up to the MoU signed by the National Police Chief and the Minister of Finance in October 2021. However, the synergy between the National Police and Customs and Excise in law enforcement of transnational crimes and economic crimes, one of which is smuggling drugs have been well established so far. "This cooperation involves five things, there is data exchange, joint operations and so on. This PKS is the basis for us to carry out joint activities in order to secure Indonesian citizens from transnational crimes and economic crimes," said Agus.

The five aspects of the cooperation between the National Police and Customs and Excise are joint analysis, joint operation, knowledge sharing, media release, and filling out evidence to support K9 at Customs and Excise. .

"This PKS shows our shared commitment as a government agency, we are synergistic, solid with support from state finances, we are united in the framework of HR infrastructure and also activities in the circle to be able to guard the task of the Republic of Indonesia," said the Director General of Customs. and the Askolani Excise.

Askolani also revealed the synergy between Customs and Excise and the National Police in terms of law enforcement on illicit trafficking and drug smuggling.

Based on Customs and Excise records during the COVID-19 pandemic, illicit drug trafficking is quite high, until April 2021 law enforcement has been carried out with 1.7 tons of confiscated drug evidence.

"Compared to last year the number was 4.5 tons a full year. So this shows how committed the law enforcement officers are and we support being able to protect the Indonesian people, as well as economic recovery during the pandemic," said Askoli.

Kabareskrim added that one of the derivatives of this PKS is the synergy between the National Police and Customs and Excise in overseeing the export ban on efined, bleached, deodorized (RBD) palm olein which will take effect on Thursday (28/4).

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