
JAKARTA - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin was caught by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for his alleged involvement in bribery. Then how much wealth does Ade have?

Based on the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) he reported, he was recorded to have assets of IDR 4,111,181,641 in 2020.

Ade, who is a United Development Party (PPP) politician, has immovable assets in the form of two lands and a land and building in Bogor. The three assets have a value of IDR 2.29 billion.

Furthermore, he also recorded ownership of a Mitsubishi Xpander 2019 worth Rp. 200 million and a BMW 329 I 2016 worth Rp. 435 million.

Next, Ade was noted to have other movable assets of Rp. 600 million and cash and cash equivalents of Rp. 726.78 million. However, he has a debt of Rp. 140.6 million.

As previously reported, the KPK carried out a silent operation from Tuesday night, April 26 to Wednesday morning, April 27. Apart from Ade Yasin, there was another party who was also brought in by investigators, namely members of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Representative of West Java.

"(Parties arrested, ed) include the Regent of Bogor Regency, several parties from the West Java Representative BPK and other related parties," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters.

Ali said the arrests were made in connection with the alleged bribery. However, he has not provided further details regarding the construction of the case because the investigation is still being carried out.

"This arrest was carried out because there were allegations of corruption in the giving and receiving of bribes," he said.

"KPK is still examining the arrested parties and within 1×24 hours," Ali added.

Based on the results of the investigation, the KPK will immediately determine the status of the party caught from the silent operation. People were asked to wait.

"KPK will immediately determine its position on the results of the hand arrests. Further developments will be conveyed," he concluded.

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