
JAKARTA - Bogor Regency Regent Ade Yasin was caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) organized by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This action was carried out on Tuesday night, April 26 until today, Wednesday, April 27.

"It is true that last night until Wednesday, April 27, the KPK carried out arrests in the West Java area," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, April 27.

Ali said that a number of parties were arrested, including the Bogor Regent, Ade Yasin.

"(Parties arrested, ed) include the Regent of Bogor Regency, several parties from the West Java Representative BPK and other related parties," he said.

Not yet detailed in full regarding the arrest of the hand. However, Ali said this activity was carried out because it was suspected that bribes were given and received.

Currently, the KPK is still investigating the parties involved in this silent operation. Investigators have 1x24 hours, so the public is asked to wait for further information.

"This arrest was carried out because there were allegations of corruption in the giving and receiving of bribes," Ali explained.

"We are still examining the parties who were arrested and within 1 × 24 hours. The KPK will immediately determine the position on the results of the arrests," he concluded.

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