
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health is piloting a new health service system, namely the Indonesia Health Service (IHS). This health service integration platform is starting to be tested for players in the health sector, from health care facilities to the health industry.

Expert Staff of the Minister of Health in the field of Health Technology, Setiaji, said that the IHS platform will be a liaison between various application platforms for various health industry players.

This platform is not to replace existing application functions, nor is it to unify all application functions into a single application.

"As a result, the implementation of this platform approach will create collaboration on national health data with all health industry players, without being dependent on certain programming platforms," Setiaji said in his statement, Wednesday, April 27.

Setiaji said, the number of applications in hospitals is around 50 and in puskesmas about 70 applications. The problem is, patient data is often found to be duplicated from each input data.

Therefore, the IHS platform was created to avoid duplication because data input is only done once in all integrated services.

"The implementation of this platform approach will realize collaboration of national health data with all health industry players, without any dependence on certain programming platforms," he said.

In addition, the IHS platform also makes health workers do not need to input data repeatedly in different applications. Then, the patient's medical history can be monitored in detail and coherently even though the patient is treated at a different hospital.

Then, coordination between health care facilities is more effective because of the ease of communication to find referral services. As well as, increasing the government's capacity for early detection, prevention, and response to infectious diseases.

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