VIDEO: Lebaran Homecoming, D-6 Passenger Increase At Kampung Rambutan Terminal Is 100 Percent
VIDEO: Lebaran Homecoming, D-6 Passenger Increase at Kampung Rambutan Terminal is 100 Percent. (VOI Video graphics team)


JAKARTA - Head of Kampung Rambutan Jakarta Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni, estimates that the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow at this bus terminal will occur on D-3, which is April 29, 2022, Tuesday (26/4). Yulza explained that since April 23, 2022, there has been a significant increase compared to normal days regarding the number of bus passengers at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, East Jakarta. Based on data as of Sunday (24/4), as many as 1,118 passengers departed from this terminal and it is predicted that this will continue to increase until the peak of the homecoming flow. Watch the video below.

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