
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion issues Minister of Religion Decree (KMA) Number 405 of 2022 which contains the distribution of hajj quotas per province after the decision to depart for Hajj 1443 Hijriah/2022 AD.

"This KMA will then serve as a guide for all levels of the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah and Special Hajj Travel Organizers in finalizing the provision of services for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, 26 April.

In the KMA which was signed on April 22, the quota for Indonesian Hajj 1443 H/2022 M was 100,051 people, consisting of 92,825 regular hajj quotas and 7,226 special hajj quotas.

The quota for regular hajj consists of 92,246 quotas for regular pilgrims for the current year, 114 quotas for advisors from elements of the Hajj and Umrah Guidance Group, and 465 quotas for regional hajj officers. As for the special hajj quota, it consists of 6,664 special hajj pilgrims quota in 1443 H/2022 AD and 562 special hajj officers quota.

"Regular Hajj and special Hajj, the quota of 1443 H/2022 M is for pilgrims who have paid the cost of the Hajj pilgrimage for 1441 H/2020 M, and are at most 65 years old as of July 8, 2022 according to the order of portion numbers," he said.

Meanwhile, pilgrims who have paid off BPIH 1441 H/2020 M who are not included in the quota allocation and/or postponed their departure in 1443 H/2022 AD are prioritized to become pilgrims in the organization of the pilgrimage in 1444 H/2023 AD as long as the Hajj quota is available.

The distribution of the list of regular hajj quotas per province in 1443 H / 2022, namely Aceh as many as 1,999 people, North Sumatra (3,802), West Sumatra (2,106), Riau (2,304), Jambi (1,328), South Sumatra (3,201), Bengkulu ( 747), Lampung (3,219).

Then, DKI Jakarta (3,619), West Java (17,679), Central Java (13,868), DI Yogyakarta (1,437), East Java (16,048), Bali (319), NTB (2,054), NTT (305), West Kalimantan ( 1,150), Central Kalimantan (736), South Kalimantan (1,743), East Kalimantan (1,181).

Next, North Sulawesi (326), Central Sulawesi (910), South Sulawesi (3320), Southeast Sulawesi (922), Maluku (496), Papua (491), Bangka Belitung (486), Banten (4,319), Gorontalo (447 ), North Maluku (491), Riau Islands (589), West Sulawesi (663), West Papua (330), and North Kalimantan (190).

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