Teenage Girl In Medan Belawan Allegedly Persecuted By Her Sister And Grandmother


MEDAN - Video footage of a girl wearing a red dress has been widely circulated. In the video, the teenage girl is crying in pain.

From the information obtained, the teenage girl is suspected of being a victim of abuse by a family in Medan Belawan, North Sumatra.

It was also seen that the victim's knee was injured.

The victim's mother, J, said when confirmed that the incident occurred on Sunday, April 24 at around 19.30 WIB. The abuse was triggered by mutual mockery of the victim and his friend.

"He said my son had a bxxx face, maybe my son didn't accept it, maybe they got into a fight. But the older brother and grandmother interfered in beating my son," J told reporters, Tuesday, April 26.

While being abused, her child's body was dragged, dropped and her hair grabbed.

"Then he felt his head pounded on his body, his hands were bitten," he explained.

J reported this abuse case to the Belawan Police. "I hope the perpetrators are caught soon," he hoped.

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