
KULON PROGO - The Manpower and Transmigration Office of Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta ensured that 42 companies in the area were able to pay the 2022 Holiday Allowance (THR) one time salary and on time.

"So far, we have not received any more reports from 42 companies stating that they are unable to pay THR and have not been paid," said Head of the Kulon Progo Manpower and Transmigration Service, Nur Wahyudi, in Kulon Progo, Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

Based on the Circular of the Ministry of Manpower related to the Granting of 2022 Religious THR to workers or company workers, it has been followed up with the Kulon Progo Regent Circular Number 560/1225/2022 concerning the Provision of 2022 THR to workers or company workers.

Following up on the circular, the Manpower and Transmigration Office has socialized and conveyed the SE to companies. From the data that comes in, there are 42 companies that provide the ability to pay THR one time salary.

Then, companies that provide THR less than one time the salary of three companies, namely the WRC company at 70 percent, Telaga Madu which is engaged in gas distribution 75 percent, and Santo Yusup Boro are able to pay 70 percent.

"We hope that the THR has been paid," he said.

Nur Wahyudi said that the Manpower and Transmigration Office opened three channels to complain about THR payments, namely coming directly to the Disnakertrans office, using the DIY Office of Manpower application, and the central Ministry of Manpower application.

"DIY's THR payment complaint application has existed since 2021, but the Ministry of Manpower's complaint application is only this year," he said.

He said from the complaints that came in through the application belonging to the DIY Manpower Office, there was one garment company from Sentolo that did not pay THR. Based on field monitoring, the company provides THR, but the amount is not in accordance with the provisions.

"They reasoned that the COVID-19 pandemic was causing business difficulties. In fact, the company had to reduce its workforce from 70 people to 30 people," he said.

Previously, the Regent of Kulon Progo Sutedjo asked the Kulon Progo Manpower and Transmigration Office to monitor the payment of salaries and THR before May 1 so as not to cause turmoil.

"Labourers who have received salaries and THR can celebrate the holiday in peace," he said.

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