
PURWOKERTO - The arrival and departure of homecomers at the Bulupitu Type A Bus Terminal, Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, on Tuesday or D-6 Lebaran 2022 is still being monitored slopingly.

"Conditions are still normal, there has been no spike. The fluctuations are still like monthly characteristics," said Bulupitu Type A Bus Terminal Service Coordinator Antonius Bayu Setiawan in Purwokerto, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

He explained that the arrival and departure of passengers at the Purwokerto Terminal on Sunday, April 24 experienced an increase, but on Monday, April 25 it decreased again.

According to him, this condition has nothing to do with the mobility of travelers and still relatively shows the average monthly trips of people.

"I think homecomers will only start arriving on Thursday, April 28," he said.

Asked about the readiness of the fleet at Bulupitu Terminal during the 2022 Lebaran Transportation period, Bayu admitted that he had not yet recorded because his party plans to gather all bus operators on Thursday, April 28 to discuss the preparation of the fleet.

According to him, this is because in the period leading up to Idul Fitri, the average inter-provincial intercity bus (AKAP) is taken to the departure areas of travelers, especially Jabodetabek and surrounding areas to prepare for the homecoming flow.

"If we prepare for the return flow. On Thursday, April 28, we will gather operators to inquire about their readiness, so we cannot confirm the number of the fleet," he said. transporting homecomers during the return flow of Eid 2022.

According to him, this is because the average number of regular AKAP fleets at Bulupitu Terminal is 250 units per day, while regular intercity buses within the province (AKDP) are around 200 units per day.

"The majority of regular AKAP fleets at Bulupitu Terminal serve passengers to Jakarta and surrounding cities," he said.

In addition to Jakarta and its surroundings, the regular AKAP fleet at Bulupitu Terminal also serves passengers to Banjar Patroman, Tasikmalaya, Bandung, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, and so on.

The regular AKDP fleet serves passengers to Cilacap, Wonosobo, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Kudus, Solo, and a number of other cities in Central Java.

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