
JAKARTA - Kalideres Terminal, West Jakarta provides a third dose vaccine booth or booster to make it easier for travelers to complete travel requirements so that apart from helping government programs, they also prevent the transmission of COVID-19 during this year's Lebaran season. Monday–Friday from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB," said one of Novi's health workers, when met at Kalideres Terminal, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 26. PeduliLindung. The distance between the second dose of vaccine and booster is at least three months. The outlet accepts vaccine services for passengers who will travel on the same day or well before departure. However, travelers are advised to take booster vaccines in advance so that avoid the potential for medical reactions that can interfere with physical conditions for passengers. "The type of vaccine varies depending on what is available at the puskesmas, it can be Pfizer or AstraZeneca," he said. The vaccine booth service at Kalideres Terminal is planned to be available until Thursday (28/4). Meanwhile, people with congenital diseases that cannot be vaccinated are required to bring a doctor's certificate and a negative PCR test result so that they can travel back and forth by bus. .

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