
MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, has formed a conflict resolution team to reduce and resolve the brawls that often occur in the Medan Belawan sub-district.

"With this team, we hope to be able to resolve the conflict that has been going on in Belawan," said the Head of Conflict Management and National Awareness of the Medan City Kesbangpol, Ody Prasetyo, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 25.

This was revealed in a meeting attended by the Intelligence Equipment Analyst for the Kesbangpol of North Sumatra Province, Tommy, the sub-district head of Medan Belawan Subhan, the head of the Belawan police, Kompol Daniel Naibaho, related officials and community leaders at the Medan Belawan sub-district office.

The team, consisting of the Medan City Government and Forkopimcam elements, he continued, would guard the posts that were set up near the location of the brawl.

"We will set up posts around locations where brawls often occur. The conflict resolution team will also take turns guarding these posts," he said.

The sub-district head of Medan Belawan, Subhan, said that the problem of brawls in this sub-district has often occurred due to trivial problems.

However, the impact of the brawl, he said, caused a lot of damage, and was very detrimental to the people in this northern part of Medan.

"Therefore, we held a meeting to discuss the formation of a conflict resolution team. It means, to solve these problems we must unite," said Subhan.

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