
JAKARTA - Hundreds of passengers traveled back and forth through the Lebak Bulus Terminal, South Jakarta. The majority of people who went to their hometowns were recorded in West Java (Jabar) and East Java (Jatim).

Head of the Lebak Bulus Terminal, Hernanto, said that in his location, there has been an increase since Saturday, April 23 until now.

"The Lebak Burus terminal itself for D-7 has slightly increased. Especially on D-8 and D-9 yesterday, coincidentally, on Saturday and Sunday there was an increase in the number of passengers," Hernanto told reporters in Lebak Bulus, Monday, April 25. .

"Even touching the numbers 500 to 700's. Usually the most routes are in West Java, namely Kuningan, Central Java, and East Java," he continued.

Regarding the Ramp-check inspection, Hernanto said that the party had inspected 5-6 buses. As a result, there were no vehicles that were not roadworthy.

"Our results are temporary, all of them are still roadworthy. This means that the shortage is still minor and the bus is still roadworthy to operate and transport travelers," he concluded.

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