
PALEMBANG - The South Sumatran Police (Sumsel) and local police are ready to escort homecoming travelers while crossing the alternative route of the Sumatran Central Cross Road (Jalinteng).

Director of Ditlantas Polda Sumsel Kombes M Pratama Adhyasastra said the escort for travelers was given to support the smooth journey and safety of travelers.

This is because based on police inspections, the environment along Jalinteng is still dominated by forest areas. Then the road readiness is still lacking, because it is only the hardening stage after repairs.

"For that we continue to monitor it, but we only offer Jalinteng for travelers with small vehicles, not trucks or buses, nor will we force it until the peak of the homecoming flow later due to many considerations," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 25.

He explained that Jalinteng was an alternative route, especially for travelers heading to Palembang City-Jambi Province, Musi Banyuasin when there was severe traffic jam on the Betung East Cross Road, Banyuasin.

To cross this alternative road, travelers are directed to cross through the Musi Sekayu Bridge, Musi Banyuasin or the Pendopo, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (PALI).

"Jalinteng is an alternative as offered by the South Sumatra Provincial Government in case of severe traffic jams on the Banyuasin Jalintim section," he said.

The police have also prepared 23 posts consisting of 17 security posts and six service posts in each Jalinteng area, with each post involving the Lubuk Linggau Police, Musi Rawas, North Musi Rawas, Muara Enim, OKU, and East OKU.

Meanwhile, Head of the South Sumatra Transportation Service, Ari Narsa said, travelers are expected to be able to cross Jalinteng via the route from Palembang in Belimbing area to PALI-Sekayu Hall, Musi Banyuasin to destination areas such as Musi Rawas, Lubuk Linggau, North Musi Rawas, or Jambi province and others without must pass through Banyuasin, with a normal travel time estimated at two hours.

Therefore, Jalinteng is an alternative route offered by the government to Lebaran travelers this year.

"God willing, although there are still several kilometers of roads that have not been paved, we believe that it will not be an obstacle to pass, hopefully it will be a temporary solution to the congestion in Banyuasin while waiting for the construction of the toll road there (Banyuasin) to be completed," he said.

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