
JAKARTA - Head of Kampung Rambutan Jakarta Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni, estimates that the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow at this bus terminal will occur on D-3, which is April 29, 2022.

"The peak is likely to be on D-3 or D-4," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 25.

Yulza explained that since April 23, 2022, there has been a significant increase compared to normal days regarding the number of bus passengers at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal.

Based on data as of Sunday (24/4), as many as 1,118 passengers departed from this terminal and it is predicted that this will continue to increase until the peak of the homecoming flow.

Meanwhile, in terms of the number of buses, there have been 2,388 interprovincial intercity buses (AKAP) departing from Kampung Rambutan Terminal from early April to 24 April 2022 with an average of around 100 buses per day.

"The majority go to Sumatra in the morning, in the evening to Central Java and East Java, while if they go to West Java they are always on standby," said Yulza.

Currently, bus ticket prices have increased by 50 percent and will even continue to increase before Eid.

In line with Yulza, the Sinar Jaya Autobus Company (PO) officer Zainal said that there had been an increase in homecoming passengers since D-8 Lebaran at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal.

The majority of Sinar Jaya bus passengers departing from the Kampung Rambutan Terminal for Purwokerto, Tegal, Wonosobo and Pekalongan.

The price of Sinar Jaya bus tickets has increased by 40 percent, with the most expensive being the suite class to Malang which reaches Rp. 850,000.

“The most expensive to go to Malang is Rp. 850,000 class suite. The new class suite is at Sinar Jaya and Pandawa 87, that's all, he's over IDR 850,000," said Zainal.

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