
MEDAN - A veterinarian in North Sumatra, Anhar, was attacked by a Sumatran tiger. The incident occurred when he and North Sumatra BBKSDA officers were about to evacuate a tiger entangled in Batu Godang Village, Angkola Sangkunur District, South Tapanuli (Tapsel), North Sumatra.

As a result of the tiger attack, Doctor Anhar suffered injuries to his left arm.

Acting Head of the North Sumatra KSDA Center, Irzal Azhar explained, initially the BBKSDA received a report of a Sumatran tiger entangled in Pardomuan Hamlet, South Tapanuli.

"Following up on the report, North Sumatra BBKSDA officers together with partner institutions of the Sumatra Lestari Orangutan Foundation – Orangutan Information Center (YOSL-OIC) immediately went to the location and arrived at 01.30 WIB with transit cages and weapons equipment," said Irzal in a written statement, Monday, April 25.

Arriving at the location, BBKSDA received information from the community about the tiger that was first caught in a snare on Friday, April 22. However, when checked, it turned out that the position of the tiger had moved about 200 meters in a entangled state.

However, considering the weather conditions and considering safety, the joint team agreed to carry out inspections the next day, Saturday, April 23.

The next day, the team headed to the location on foot for 2 km and arrived at 09.00 WIB. At the location the team found a Sumatran tiger entangled with its legs wrapped in a sling rope and in a limp state.

"The evacuation plan will be carried out by being shot with anesthesia. At 23.30 WWIBib, doctor Anhar arrived at the location, then a discussion was held and it was agreed that the evacuation would be carried out tomorrow morning," said Irzal.

On Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 04.45 WIB, the team and veterinarians made preparations and checked the stun gun. Then doctor Anhar gave anesthesia by shooting at 07.05 WIB.

"The anesthetic shot hit the tiger's body, but unexpectedly the tiger suddenly attacked Anhar's doctor, which resulted in an injury to his left arm," continued Irzal.

After attacking the tiger then run away. Seeing the condition of Anhar who was injured, the team immediately carried out treatment and assistance and immediately evacuated to a hospital in Padangsidimpuan City for treatment.

"We urge the public to avoid any activities in the garden for the next 3 days. Stay alert and do not do activities outside the home alone but in groups and at least 5 people. And immediately report providing information to the relevant officers if they see any signs where the tiger is," said Irzal.

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