
NTB - The Central Lombok Police, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police are intensifying patrols to anticipate the occurrence of a firecracker or firecracker war on the highway and in the village ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

"We continue to intensify patrols to anticipate the fireworks war," said Central Lombok Police Chief AKBP Hery Indra Cahyono in his written statement in Praya, Antara, Monday, April 25.

To prevent disturbances to the security and social order, the Central Lombok Police and Kodim 1620 continue to carry out intense patrols, especially at vulnerable points and hours, such as after tarawih prayers until dawn.

"After the dawn prayer, it is usually a vulnerable hour that is used as a moment of firecracker war by young people, this is very disturbing for the safety and comfort of the community," he said.

So far, the security and security conditions are still conducive, although there have been a number of incidents, but all of these have been followed up after information was received from the public, because all ranks of the Polsek are also active in patrolling.

In addition to patrolling, the Central Lombok Resort Police will later conduct a raid on firecrackers in the local area in order to create a conducive social security situation during Ramadan and ahead of the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

"Later on, we will also raid firecrackers as well as anticipate Eid celebrations," he said.

The Police Chief hopes that the community can cooperate in maintaining the security and public order, especially in the Central Lombok Regency. In addition, he also appealed to the public to continue to comply with the COVID-19 health protocol by continuing to wear masks.

"Health protocols must be observed, wear masks and follow the vaccination program that is currently being promoted," he said.

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