
JAKARTA - The NasDem Party DPP asked the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir to explain specifically about the existence of the seed mafia in the agricultural sector which was revealed when giving a public lecture at Unpad. firmly asked Syahrul Yasin Limpo to resign from the Minister of Agriculture if Erick's words were proven to be true. party to him," said Hermawi in a written statement received on Monday, April 25. However, NasDem will ask Erick to first explain his statement. The reason is that Syahrul Limpo is a NasDem cadre assigned to assist President Joko Widodo in the cabinet. He also emphasized that if there is strong evidence regarding alleged irregularities at the Ministry of Agriculture, then NasDem has asked the KPK or the Attorney General's Office to immediately investigate thoroughly. Hermawi then questioned the statement that seemed impressed. suddenly from the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir regarding the existence of a mafia in the Ministry of Agriculture. "NasDem also wants to ask Erick Thohir why he is suddenly talking about the mafia in the Ministry of Agriculture," he questioned. there is a seed mafia in the agricultural sector. "Seeds also have a mafia. Many farmers get hybrid seeds, which are wrong, so that when they grow they are not good," said Erick. accepted by farmers.

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