
JAKARTA - Rugun Manalu (65), a woman resident of North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, was killed by lightning while making pet fodder behind her house in Pagar Batu Village.

"The victim, Rungun, breathed his last while on his way to the Tarutung Regional General Hospital to get medical help," said Head of Public Relations of the North Tapanuli Police, Aiptu W Waringbing, quoting Antara, Sunday, April 24.

He said the incident occurred on Friday (22 April) at around 17.00 WIB behind the house of the Rungun victim in Pagar Batu Village, Sipaholon District, North Tapanuli Regency.

From the results of the information gathered by officers at the scene, the witness of the victim's child, Tolhas Rumabutar, explained that before the lightning struck his mother, they were both returning from the field to their house because it was raining accompanied by lightning.

"After arriving behind the house, witness Tolhas went straight into the house, while his mother was still sitting behind the house cooking pig feed," he said.

Waringbing explained, not long after, lightning came strongly behind his house. Then the witness went behind to invite his mother to enter the house.

After arriving at the back, the witness saw that his mother, the victim, was already lying on fire, along with one pig that was in the barn.

Seeing his mother lying on the ground in a burnt condition, the witness shouted for help to the neighbors.

"The victim was taken to the nearest puskesmas for first aid. Because the puskesmas could not afford it, he was referred to the Tarutung Hospital, but on the way the victim died," said Public Relations of the Taput Police.

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