
JAKARTA – Indonesia has a variety of cultures. The many cultural differences are actually considered to be the glue of people from various ethnic groups and religions in Indonesia, to become a unity. At least that's what the Jakarta Study Committee (KKJ) discussed in a forum with religious leaders. KKJ Executive Director Syaifuddin emphasized that differences are a necessity that must be used as a glue for unity, not the other way around.

“The difference between us is an inevitability. Don't make the difference the start of the problem. On the other hand, we must make that difference the glue of unity. In this month of Ramadan, we gather for iftar here to increase our friendship," said Syaifuddin in the Pulomas area, East Jakarta, last Saturday, April 23.

Syaifuddin also said, Indonesia is rich because of diversity. According to him, all of this was obtained because the community accepted these differences and lived them in harmony.

“Indonesia is great because of its ethnic, religious and racial diversity. All that will not work without mutual acceptance of these differences. And this is Sunatullah or God's provision that we must accept," explained Syaifuddin, who also serves as chairman of the Central Jakarta Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Management.

According to him, the presence of religious leaders smiling, greeting and talking to each other is the forerunner of harmony and lasting relations between religious believers in Indonesia.

"This is the realization of the attitude of tolerance that we always echo to the community. Don't let tolerance just be spoken without taking action on the ground," he said.

When holding iftar together. Present at this event were the Chairperson of PWI Jakarta, Sayid Iskandarsyah, along with the daily management and figures of the Jakarta Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB). Secretary of the Religious Harmony Forum FKUB Central Jakarta Nanda Khairiyah, from Hindu religion Pandita I Gde Suparta, from Christian Pdt. RB Rory, from Confucian Arief Gunawan. The Chairperson of the Central Jakarta MUI, KH. Robi Fadil, Secretary of PCNU West Jakarta Ust. Endang Hermansyah, Secretary of PCNU East Jakarta Ust. Syarif Cahyono, NU residents and other invited guests.

Furthermore, the Hindu figure Pandita I Gde Suparta said the presence of NU in Jakarta made the atmosphere cooler and more peaceful.

“I have lived in Jakarta for 50 years. When I first came, I was alone. In my Hindu residence. However, I received security guarantees from an NU Kiai and an Ansor figure. They guard and protect us," he said.

Chairman of PWI Sayid Iskandarsyah welcomed the event which aims to strengthen the friendship as did KKJ which took the moment of breaking the fast by inviting interfaith leaders. "Differences between us should not be an obstacle to jointly build this nation and state. It's our job as journalists to report this positive thing so that it can be an inspiration to people outside,” he stressed.

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