
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said, Central Java (Central Java) will be the area for the highest homecoming concentration in this year's Eid.

"Central Java is the highest concentration of homecoming flows," said Muhadjir, Sunday, April 24. Therefore, Muhadjir continued, the government hopes that people can use the southern route to break concentration and reduce congestion.

Muhadjir emphasized that the central and regional governments will continue to coordinate to prepare for the Lebaran homecoming which is expected to increase sharply compared to the previous year. It is estimated that there will be around 85.5 million travelers during the 2022 Eid holiday. "The government hopes that it will run smoothly, safely and safely at home," he said.

In order to anticipate the density of travelers on the main route and the North Coast route (Pantura), the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture has also asked the Central Java Police to promote alternative routes, namely the southern route and the South Coast route.

Muhadjir asked the Central Java Police to prepare various facilities needed on the southern route. This is also in accordance with President Jokowi's suggestion to take advantage of the southern route to return to his hometown.

"I ask the Governor (Ganjar Pranowo) and the Kapolda to campaign, especially those who live in areas and cities in the southern region, should use the southern route," he explained. needed. Such as rest areas, grocery stalls, gas stations, and if necessary there are also Central Javanese snacks and foods in the rest area.

"This is the full responsibility of the Governor, how to prepare the campaign at the same time, also to lure (the people) to want to go through the southern route," he said.

In addition, Muhadjir added, the preparation of traffic management and the necessary facilities must also be maximized.

"Don't forget to follow the health protocols and follow the booster vaccine as soon as possible. Hopefully this year we can go home safely, smoothly, healthy and fun. Amen to YRA," said Muhadjir.

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