
JAKARTA - Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Gen. (Ret.) Budi Gunawan stated that the local wisdom of the people of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is starting to stretch to welcome the construction of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.

"As the President has repeatedly emphasized, the transfer of IKN is not just moving the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and building government buildings. But also moving the center of growth, as well as a leap for the nation's transformation towards an advanced, just, and prosperous Indonesia," he said. Budi through a written statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, April 24.

Budi revealed that the local wisdom of local traditional stakeholders was able to capture the good intentions of the nation's leaders to advance other regions in Indonesia which had been based on Java.

IKN Nusantara is designed as an inclusive, humanist city, built for all elements by involving the potential of human resources (HR) from outside and in Kalimantan which reflects Diversity as a characteristic of Indonesia.

"The existing villages and hamlets will serve as buffers for the core city which will be organized into a smart village," said Budi.

Budi added that local culture and wisdom will not be eroded, but will be revitalized to become part of the soul of IKN Nusantara so that it provides excellence.

Furthermore, Budi said that the success of IKN Nusantara development was not only based on physical achievements, but also formed a noble human civilization in and around it.

Currently, the development of the Nusantara IKN has begun to appear, as the Ministry of Forestry seeks to accelerate the completion of the construction of a nursery center in Mentawir Village, Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency.

In the next seven months to a year, the nursery center, which is located in the south of the IKN area, is ready to supply 15-20 million tree seedlings for the revitalization and reforestation program of the IKN Nusantara forest area.

Meanwhile, the PUPR Ministry is also building the Sepaku Semoi Dam which is located to the north of the IKN Nusantara area for raw water sources whose development has reached 45 percent as of mid-April 2022. Entering the second semester of this year, basic infrastructure development will be increasingly visible, especially in the Central Core Area. The government (KIPP) covers an area of 6,671 hectares. Thursday, April 14, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani ensured that the government allocated IDR 27-30 trillion from the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the development of basic IKN infrastructure.

Regarding the development of the Nusantara IKN, the Head of the Great Dayak Customs Hamtolius Gati said the presence of the new capital city gave optimism for great progress for Kalimantan in the form of infrastructure development for transportation, education, agriculture, tourism, and social culture.

"We believe this area will develop rapidly along with the existence of IKN Nusantara. The development movement is not only around the North Penajam Paser Regency, but will extend to the entire province of East Kalimantan and even wider," said Hamtolius Gati.

The same thing was stated by the Head of the Dayak Customs Dusun Wisata Putak Yulius Lamus. He revealed that the IKN Nusantara concept that was socialized by the government would empower the surrounding community.

"The concept of a sophisticated city that integrates with forest areas or smart forest city means development that maintains nature, the environment, and of course also local culture, customs and traditions," said Yulius.

According to Yulius, IKN Nusantara will organize Dayak hamlets and villages which are widely located outside the IKN area and develop a wealth of local cultural customs as a tourism sector that is socio-economically beneficial for the community.

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