
JAKARTA - The Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) provides a number of post for Lebaran 2022 homecoming service at several points outside the toll road to anticipate the accumulation of homecomers.

"Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah, a number of homecoming service posts have been prepared outside toll roads," said Assistant I for Administration and Welfare of the Lampung Provincial Government, Qodratul Ikhwan, in Bandarlampung, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 23.

He said the opening of homecoming service posts at a number of points outside the Trans Sumatra Toll Road was prepared to anticipate the accumulation of passengers during the Lebaran homecoming period.

"The creation of the homecoming service post was formed to help homecomers who pass through traffic roads other than toll roads and want to rest while traveling," he said.

According to him, the command post was opened in collaboration with regencies and cities, the Department of Transportation, and the Lampung Police.

"It is hoped that the homecoming service post can anticipate when there is a buildup of vehicles, and travelers are required to pass through alternative roads and need a place to rest for a while," he said.

In addition, he also reminded the public to continue to apply health protocols while traveling.

"Going home this time, don't forget the implementation of health protocols, such as the use of masks that cannot be left behind. Don't let the downward trend in COVID-19 cases become unmanageable," he also said.

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