
TANGERANG - A man with the initials AW (41) was beaten up by a mob after he was caught stealing livestock from a resident of the dj village of Carang Pulang, Sindang Jaya, Tangerang Regency.

This action took place on Wednesday, April 21 last. AW is one of three perpetrators of theft of four cows and four buffalo.

One resident with the initials Riki, said that the animals had not been stolen, because the perpetrator was caught first.

"Not all of them have been loaded onto trucks, only some of them have been caught (the residents)," said Riki when confirmed, Saturday, April 23.

Riki revealed that the three perpetrators came to the house of the victim, EN. They had abused the victim.

"They came to the victim's house. The position of the victim was alone. Finally the victim was abused and was tied up by the perpetrator," he said.

After successfully binding EN. The three perpetrators immediately loaded the cows and buffalo into the prepared trucks.

Riki added, without the knowledge of the perpetrator, EN realized and immediately shouted for help. Until finally the residents came and arrested one of the three perpetrators.

"When he realized that the victim asked a neighbor for help, the perpetrator immediately panicked and fled. But there was one who fell and was managed by the residents," he said.

Apart from one perpetrator who was arrested by residents. The residents also secured trucks to transport cows and buffaloes.

"One of the perpetrators was immediately beaten by residents. Residents also burned the truck they used to carry the cows and buffaloes," he said.

Contacted separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pasar Kemis Police, AKP Tedy Heru Murtianto said the perpetrator AW, who is a resident of Bogor Regency, was naked and covered in blood.

"Luckily, we quickly arrived at the scene and secured the perpetrators from the tantrums of the residents," said Tedy.

Tedy explained that the perpetrator and his colleagues, who were suspected to be three people, went straight to the house of the victim EN. "Incidentally, the door was not locked. The perpetrator tied and abused the victim until she fainted. The victim was alone at home," he explained.

However, when he was loading the cows and buffalo onto the truck, the victim realized that he immediately asked for help to the residents' houses.

"The perpetrators who knew about the arrival of the residents tried to run away, but AW fell into the trap and was rescued by the residents," he said.

Now AW is languishing in the detention cell of the Pasar Kemis Police. While the rest are still being pursued by the Pasar Kemis Police. "Still in development," he concluded.

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