
JAKARTA - The Department of Strategic Studies and Action (Kastrat) of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (BEM FEB UI) held a discussion regarding MSMEs with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. In this discussion, BEM FEB UI provided six policy recommendations to raise MSMEs in Indonesia.

The first six points are to realize effectiveness in developing MSMEs with clear outputs. Then the second point is to build a mindset to continue to grow and develop for MSME actors.

The third point is the development of digital platforms as a means for expanding information and data accessibility for MSME actors. Fourth, presenting the same and equitable regulation in the provision of bank and non-bank credit to MSMEs.

Fifth, seek cooperation between MSMEs and large businesses or the private sector. Sixth, increasing collaboration with academics and researchers.

Chairman of the BEM FEB UI 2022 Rafli Amiruddin Alhaq in his statement as quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 23, hopes that these six points will create constructive policies. He also hopes that this recommendation can be widely used for the development of MSMEs in Indonesia.

In addition to the six points, said Rafli, there is another agreement formed by the Department of Culture and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to support the development of MSMEs.

The government will increase collaboration between institutions, including ministries, to create programs that are beneficial for business actors. One example, he said, was the acceleration of cooperation between the Kemenkop UKM and Customs to facilitate export permits for SMEs.

The cooperation between the two institutions is expected to be able to provide export incentives to increase MSME market expansion and integrate data collection to facilitate the mapping of MSMEs with export commodities.

Special Staff of the Minister for People's Economic Empowerment at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Muhammad Riza Damanik, appreciated the active role of the Department of Kastrat BEM FEB UI which also put forward ideas related to the development of SMEs.

"We hope that in the future BEM FEB UI will continue to collaborate and collaborate to research the development of MSMEs," he said.

For this reason, said Muhammad Riza, the Kemenkop UKM promised to immediately follow up the comprehensive study and policy recommendations that have been given by the BEM FEB UI so that it can be useful for the wider community.

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