
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, led the ceremony to hold the Ketupat Operation Squad in 2022 at Monas Square, Jakarta.

The apple is the final check for readiness ahead of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming or Eid in 2022.

"Where this troop title ceremony involves stakeholders from the Ministry of Transportation, TNI, Regional Government, Jasa Raharja, Pertamina, Basarnas, Ministry of Health, BMKG. So this is carried out not only at Monas but throughout the region simultaneously," said Sigit at the Monas Square quoted from the statement from the Police Public Relations Division, Friday, April 22.

Sigit said that this apple was also to ensure the readiness of all relevant stakeholder personnel, the availability of facilities and infrastructure to the preparation of security posts, service posts and integrated posts in the face of going back and forth for Lebaran 2022.

The National Police Chief again appealed to the public to make homecoming trips before April 28, 29 and 30, 2022, which is predicted to be the peak of the Lebaran homecoming flow this year.

This year, said Sigit, based on the survey results from the Ministry of Transportation, there are 83 million people who will go home, 23 million of them using cars and 17 million by motorbikes. By doing homecoming early, this, said Sigit, can reduce the potential for congestion on toll roads or other land routes.

"Therefore we urge that the implementation of going home can be arranged by friends, private institutions to provide early homecoming opportunities for their employees. And this has been regulated in the circular letter of the Minister of Manpower. Meanwhile, government agencies or ASN are also currently given the opportunity to arrange the homecoming schedule. We hope that by taking advantage of the available time, the potential for congestion on the road, especially this toll road, can be managed properly, "said Sigit.

Even so, Sigit ensured that the government through the Ministry of Transportation, the National Police and other stakeholders had prepared a regulatory strategy to prevent traffic jams (traffic) during the peak of the homecoming flow this year.

The National Police Chief explained that the strategies to avoid and prevent traffic jams when going home were one way, contraflow, and odd-even. Not only that, Sigit said the government had also prepared well, provided alternative routes for the community to carry out homecoming.

"Alternative routes, which of course can be used as a homecoming option, namely, the alternative routes for the North Coast and the South Coast which are currently in good condition and ready to be used as alternative routes for going home. Including the odd-even arrangement, we will of course apply it. We can avoid toll roads," said the National Police Chief.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the Ketupat Operation Troop at Monas/PHOTO: Police Public Relations Division

In order to further reduce the burden or potential for congestion that occurs on land routes, Sigit also appealed to the public to be able to take advantage of other modes of public transportation in carrying out homecoming.

"Then we also urge, yesterday we checked that there are alternative modes of transportation that can be chosen, such as trains, which are currently also preparing an additional 20 thousand seats per day. So this can be an option in addition to the air mode. Of course everything is ready to support going home this time can run well, "explained the former Banten Police Chief.

Not only that, Sigit stated, the government and several other related agencies have also organized a free homecoming together. Of course, this positive thing can be used by people who want to go home.

"We urge the public to take advantage of all the alternatives, facilities and modes of transportation that are prepared. So that traffic jams can be avoided," said Sigit.

In addition to preparing homecoming efforts and strategies, the National Police Chief emphasized that the police and other relevant agencies will also optimize the acceleration of dose III or booster vaccinations for travelers. This, according to Sigit, is to optimize immunity or the level of immunity of the entire community.

Therefore, the National Police Chief emphasized the readiness of security posts, service posts and integrated posts in providing the best and excellent service for people who are going home.

"We hope that when we meet our parents and family again, our immunity will really have immunity and will not become carriers. Likewise, our parents and families will also get immunity. Therefore, we hope that the vaccination program can be followed optimally. So that after Eid-ul-Fitr, we can really control the growth rate of COVID-19," said Sigit.

In securing the flow of going back and forth for Lebaran, as many as 144,392 joint personnel were deployed. All of these personnel will fill 2,702 posts consisting of 1,710 security posts, 734 service posts, and 258 integrated posts.

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