
KUDUS - Officers from the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Kudus Regency, Central Java (Central Java), sealed a telecommunications tower in Kedungsari Village, Gebog.

Head of Regional Regulation Enforcement (Gakda) Satpol PP Kudus Kusnaeni said the tower was sealed because it did not have a construction permit.

"It is estimated that the telecommunication tower will be built since 2021 and it is possible that it will already be operational following the presence of a number of equipment installed on the telecommunication tower," said Kusnaeni in Kudus, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 22. He explained that the telecommunication tower with a height of 45 meters is a tower. He said that the owner of the telecommunications tower was PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera from Semarang. For this violation, the Kudus Satpol PP sealed the telecommunications tower, including the kilowatt-hour (kWh) meter. fulfilled, he said, of course the seal will be opened so that it can be operated. The telecommunications tower is located in the yard and far from residential areas.

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