
SLEMAN - The Regent of Sleman, Yogyakarta, Kustini Sri Purnomo said the momentum of Kartini Day was a common alarm for the Indonesian people about the struggle of women. Mainly raising women's rights and emancipation which used to be very taboo to talk about.

"His thoughts not only moved women's souls to keep moving from time to time. But they also succeeded in breaking old standards that required ancient perspectives on the existence and role of women," said Kustini in Sleman, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 22.

He added that the role of women in the modern era of democracy is now wider and more open, one of which is in the political field. In Sleman Regency itself, he said, there were 50 DPRD members, 17 of which were occupied by women until 2024.

"This figure has increased compared to the representation of women in the Sleman DPRD in 2014, which amounted to seven people. This number is certainly an illustration that political democracy for women in Sleman Regency is getting better," she explained.

A number of steps that have been taken by the Sleman Regency Government in increasing women's participation in politics in recent years, he said, are through various activities starting from the dukuh level.

"Women's groups are encouraged to dare to be involved in playing a role in public policy, both at the executive, legislative, and political party levels; including spaces that are small in scope, such as in the RT, RW, hamlet, or kelurahan," he said.

Not only that, he continued, this role was also encouraged through various organizations involving women such as Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK), Women Farmers Group (KWT), and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Communication Forum (Forkom UMKM).

"Recently, we have formed two women's organizations, namely the Sleman Gymnastics Instructor Community and Millennial Farmers, in which women also participate and are active," she said.

Through these various opportunities and wide spaces, she added, women are encouraged to actively increase their capacity, quality and capability.

"Our form of political will is also not only through funding assistance, but also through capacity building activities and assistance through various existing agencies," he said.

It aims to increase the awareness of women to be involved in political activities, both in social participation and in practical politics.

"This struggle is certainly not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It does not only depend on the hands of the executive and legislature, but there must be strong encouragement, enthusiasm and determination from women themselves," he said.

He said Kartini's fire spirit was not only commemorated ceremonially by wearing a kebaya, but through concrete actions in the fields of politics, development, and the fulfillment of human rights.

"All programs in the Sleman Regency Government continue to be pursued to realize gender equality through the achievement of 30 percent of women's involvement in various public sectors," he said.

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